***Note: PICO is currently only available to physicians at Glendale Adventist Medical Center***PICO is a HIPAA compliant messaging app for physicians. PICO lets you message easily and securely.
You can send text, picture, and voice messages to your colleagues with full names and identifiable
information. No more feeling guilty or worrying about potential fines. Just message without a second
What’s more, there is no contact list to manage. As more and more physicians sign up at the hospital
you work, they are automatically available to you. Just pick a name and send a message. Add tags to
messages so you can stay organized and look up important information later. There is full search
capability so you can look up keywords in any message. Then, when you go off duty, forward your
message to the on-call physician and enjoy a good night’s rest.
Stop using old and outdated tools at work and start using the right tool for the job. From now on, when
someone asks what’s the best way to contact you, just say, “send it to me on PICO.”